Saturday, April 6, 2013

Glass Heart Princess - Masaki Shinnosuke

Masaki Shinnosuke, Kyoko’s capable, protective, trigger-happy, ojousama crazy, hetare butler, has an annoying system for his route, I mean why would you make a route where you don’t go on dates with him until like half way through the game! At first he looked like another character with a very similar name but Shinnosuke is much more expressive especially when things concern his precious ojousama, from all the other routes especially Yukito's we can definitely see that. Shinnosuke is the initial choice for practice dates, and he's the one charge of Kyoko's physical training that he even made the jersey Kyoko wears for training. He's always with Kyoko but nothing has happened at all because Kyoko's love level is 0 and Shinnosuke is just a hetare, at least according to Satsuki, haha.

Shinnosuke’s dates usually involve him and Kyoko trying to act differently otherwise it would just be what they usually do. Like for the very first practice date, instead of a just a regular walk together, Satsuki has them hold hands. For another date, they sneak into the school, when it's close because it's more exciting that way, and try to go into the music room. However the door is locked so Shinnosuke tries to shoot the lock and blow up the door, but of course Kyoko is adamantly against it so Shinnosuke simply picks the lock, lol. For another date, Kyoko wants Shinnosuke to either change the way he speaks or have him call her by name to make it seem more like a date but for both Shinnosuke finds them impossible to do. There is also a last option Kyoko gives that is for him to just stop being a butler, which makes Shinnosuke reply ‘are you telling me to die?’, haha. So instead of changing his actions, Satsuki suggests he at least change clothes so Shinnosuke goes through his trapped filled room, which he sets himself, to scavenge his only set of casual clothes that survived one of the explosive traps. Seeing him out of his uniform both Satsuki and Kyoko think ‘who?’ for a moment since it’s so unusual for Shinnosuke to be out of uniform, haha. He doesn’t feel too comfortable either, because the outfit hasn’t been altered to allow him to hide weapons so they give up the idea for now, lol. Anyways their dates are fairly normal like going to the art museum and going to the park, at least until Shinnosuke pulls out his gun or something like night vision goggles and starts going crazy about protecting Kyoko. For the school festival, Kyoko wants to visit Shinnosuke’s class that holds a haunted house, which Shinnosuke is clearly reluctant to go in, and then when someone acting as a ghost appears Shinnosuke freaks out, grabbing onto Kyoko crying for the ghost to go away, lol. Surprising (or not) Shinnosuke is afraid of ghosts because bullets are ineffective, lol, Kyoko takes this opportunity to peacefully enjoy the school festival by visiting all the occult related stands, lmao.

Shinnosuke’s route only really starts when Kyoko’s father asks her to meet his friend, an Arabian prince, who immediately shows interest in Kyoko, which Shinnosuke clearly isn’t too happy about and from here starts acting weird. That night Kyoko gets up for a glass of water and notices Shinnosuke talking with someone on the phone with a grim expression. When Shinnosuke notices Kyoko, he avoids the topic and says he was simply talking with an old friend. From this point, Shinnosuke starts taking interest in seriously trying to act the role of a boyfriend first by reading Satsuki’s collection of shoujo manga with Kyoko to the point he falls asleep on Kyoko shoulder and starts reciting lines his sleep. On another occasion he threatens Kyoko to be more careful and not so trusting, that she shouldn’t rely on him, even going so far as to make Kyoko judo throw him. Then for Christmas, Kyoko follows her yearly routine of tricking Shinnosuke, who believes Santa is an intruder, and pleasing her father, who thinks his daughter still believes in Santa. She has to stop Shinnosuke from trying to caputure 'Santa' thus ensuring her father doesn’t cause a financial crisis from being depressed about not giving Kyoko her present, lmao ご苦労さま. It all started when Shinnosuke first started staying with the Himeno family, he didn’t know about Santa Claus so seeing Kyoko’s father dressed in red and suspiciously sneak in the mansion to leave something suspicious for Kyoko made Shinnosuke attack Santa. Since then Kyoko with Satsuki’s help has had to disarm Shinnosuke's traps, knock him out somehow thus preventing him from attacking her father, and ensure it's all done before her father can dress up to leave her present. This year Shinnosuke decides to stake out Kyoko’s room, in a Santa outfit sent from his SAS friends who told him it’s specially designed to make Santa let his guard down, rofl they are so messing with him XD. In the end, Kyoko drugs Shinnosuke’s drink making him fall asleep allowing Kyoko to follow through with the routine. For new years, Kyoko has a dream with Shinnosuke dressed as a dog wanting his belly rubbed with the background becoming pink as he gets excited from the ‘mofumofu’, rofl Moujuutsukai to Oujisama but it’s sad that Shinnosuke gets this kind of treatment even though he’s the main guy haha.

Shinnosuke’s story starts with Kyoko suddenly feels strain on her heart and faints despite her progress. Her doctor diagnoses that the Glass Heart Syndrome has gotten worse, so she’ll have to be hospitalized and at this rate Kyoko won’t last much longer. While hospitalized Kyoko wants to see Shinnosuke who hadn’t visit her even once, but it turns out that even Satsuki hasn’t seen Shinnosuke home ever since Kyoko was hospitalized. Two weeks later in the middle of the night, Shinnosuke sneaks in to reassure Kyoko that things will be fine, and having not seen him for a while Kyoko is nervous but glad that Shinnosuke is by her side again, however by morning he’s already gone. In fact, Satsuki informs Kyoko that Shinnosuke cleared out his room in the mansion and can’t be found. Hearing this, Kyoko rushes home to see for herself that Shinnosuke really is nowhere to be found, however before anything can be done police officers arrive to search and arrest Kyoko’s father for illegal business transactions. After her father is taken away, a black limo and a man named Kuroe show up claiming to miss the show, because he’s the one who informed the police of being able to find evidence of illegal activities. Then he introduces the one who informed him, his secretary Masaki Shinnosuke, to Kyoko and Satsuki’s surprise, Shinnosuke acts cold and pretends not to know them and when Kyoko tries to approach them Shinnosuke pins Kyoko down to the ground. 

Kuroe is the head of a rival corporation but he claims to be willing to help the Himeno corporation if necessary and with that leaves. Kyoko’s father is released because the evidence was not concrete but nevertheless as a president he loses trust so the companies stocks go down and everything they own gets repossessed. Kyoko, her father, and Satsuki are forced to move to a shabby apartment where Kuroe visits them to offer Kyoko a trade, in exchange for saving the Himeno corporation and it’s employees, he wants Kyoko to marry him. Monji and Satsuki are vehemently against it but still Kyoko agrees because she thinks since she doesn’t have much longer to live then she might as well. That night Kyoko receives a call from Shinnosuke who just ensures that he’s going to pick her up, but Kyoko still believing in Shinnosuke asks how he’s doing, to which he disregards. When Kyoko arrives at the Kuroe company, she questions Kuroe’s actions, the truth is that Kuroe has been Monji’s rival since their university days in addition Kuroe was in love with Kyoko’s mother so he’s been holding a grudge against Monji and it’s intention to get back at Monji by marrying Kyoko, who just so happens to look like her mother. Kuroe tells Kyoko that he’ll announce their marriage on her soon 18th birthday so until then he’ll have her stay in a room he’s arranged for her. With the thought that it’s almost her 18th birthday, Kyoko remembers when she was younger her father promised her that on her 18th birthday a prince riding on a white horse will come and get her so until then she shouldn’t get too friendly with boys, hearing this Shinnosuke then wondered if it was okay for Monji to make such a ridiculous promise, lol バカ親. Feeling uneasy Kyoko unknowingly calls out to Shinnosuke not expecting anything, but Shinnosuke replies asking what’s wrong and stating that he’s simply here to check up on her, this makes Kyoko question why would he care since he’s betrayed her and she’s going to marry Kuroe soon. The marriage shocks Shinnosuke but before he can ask, the guard walks in questioning how Shinnosuke even got in. We then see Shinnosuke confront Kuroe about the marriage because it wasn’t part of the deal Shinnosuke made with Kuroe. Turns out Kuroe gathered and controls the scientist researching on a cure for the Glass Heart Syndrome and with Kyoko condition deteriorating, Shinnosuke joins Kuroe in exchange for a cure for Kyoko. In truth, Kuroe only wanted revenge but he doesn’t want to lose someone of Shinnosuke’s calibre so Kuroe gives Shinnosuke a chance to join him. Shinnosuke obviously refuses and so get knocked out, tied up, and locked in a room.

A flashback of Shinnosuke’s past starts, he was an orphan who was taken in by a mercenary organization and did whatever he had to do to survive. Then 11 years ago, the organization had kidnapped Kyoko at the orders of a rival company and as the youngest in the organization Shinnosuke was ordered to look after her. At first, Shinnosuke found Kyoko to be a strange rich kid, especially when she asked for him to be her butler, because she wanted one for her birthday. Then when the leaders tells Shinnosuke to be prepared to kill Kyoko since negotiations were not going well, Shinnosuke softens up to her. So when Kyoko requests to visit her mother, with the promise to return, Shinnosuke helps her sneak out and sneak into the hospital. Surprised but glad to see Kyoko, her mother gives Kyoko matching heart shaped pendants as a gift to Shinnosuke for bringing Kyoko and proof of their bond. The next day, the base is attacked and Shinnosuke is ordered to bring Kyoko to their other hideout. As they make their way out, there’s an explosion and Shinnosuke gets stuck under debris from protecting Kyoko. Shinnosuke tells Kyoko to escape but Kyoko refuses to leave him behind as he is her butler and family. Shinnosuke’s boss discovers them and for betraying the organization threatens to kill Shinnosuke but Kyoko shields him. Shinnosuke regrets and blames himself for not being able to save Kyoko, and then someone knocks everyone out and saves them. The Himeno family butler, Misaki, is here to save only Kyoko, but Kyoko demands that he save Shinnosuke so they reunite with Monji. Monji is furious to see Shinnosuke but Kyoko defends him saying that he promised her a butler and Shinnosuke is that butler, in addition Monji sees the pendant realizing it was Shinnosuke who allowed Kyoko to see her mother one last time. Monji thanks Shinnosuke and decides to tell that police that he’s one of them because he doesn’t want to let Kyoko lose someone anymore. Shinnosuke questions Kyoko why she isn’t sad even though her mother died, but she is sad so she starts crying and this is when Shinnosuke decided to be her butler and protect Kyoko.

The flashback finally ends says Satsuki, lol, and Shinnosuke wakes up in an unfamiliar room. Seems like Shinnosuke and Satsuki were both captured then locked up, and so Shinnosuke explains that Kuroe has connections with the organization he was formerly affiliated with. Shinnosuke didn’t want to ruin the Himeno name by having his association with the organization exposed and here Satsuki bashes on Shinnosuke for his foolish actions even for his reasons. From the start Satsuki and Monji saw through Shinnosuke’s actions, realizing that what he did wasn’t the right solution, Shinnosuke gets depressed at least until Satsuki forces him to snap out of it and makes him finally realize his feelings for Kyoko, so she relays Monji’s wish for Shinnosuke to fulfill the promise he made with Kyoko (about her 18th birthday). Now certain of what they have to do, Shinnosuke and Satsuki team up to break out and rescue their ojousama. At the party just before Kuroe gives the announcement, Shinnosuke bursts in dressed like a prince riding a white motorcycle... rofl. Shinnosuke puts on an act how he’s come for a certain princess but Kyoko tells him to stop screwing around, yup those were her words :) Kyoko let’s out all her pent up anger, saying how someone not her butler has no right calling her ojousama, how Shinnosuke’s actions hurt her the most, how he’s not a prince, how it’s not a white horse, how it’s not a horse, lmao. Shinnosuke tries to explain how he had his reasons, how he is a prince since he asked that Arabian prince to adopt him, and how the motorcycle is considered a ‘metal horse’ so he wants Kyoko to go with him. Kyoko still refuses again telling him not to call her ojousama so Shinnosuke calls her by name, and with that Kyoko is willing to follow Shinnosuke. Then Satsuki appears on the giant screen exposing all of Kuroe’s illegal transactions while streaming the video online and Shinnosuke calls his SAS friends for backup before he leaves with Kyoko. At the beach, Shinnosuke apologizes as Kyoko continues to vent and he promises that he’ll always be with her from now on and confesses that he loves her. The ending starts with them back at their mansion and Monji firing Shinnosuke from his position as a butler, haha. Kyoko hires Shinnosuke with her pocket money but as a miscellaneous errand runner and Satsuki fully enjoys bossing him around and mocking him calling him 王子(笑) [prince (laugh)]. Shinnosuke is assigned to clean all the windows of the mansion, which Satsuki was supposed to clean, so Kyoko helps out because she wants Shinnosuke to hurry up and finish so they can go on a date, and as she’s helping out Shinnosuke kisses Kyoko behind a curtain because he couldn’t resist, hehe.

Shinnosuke was a really fun throughout the game, but not so much in his route where he was really hetare and going around in circles. Shinnosuke's route was pretty serious and all about plot until the climax where he goes to save Kyoko and it's funny how Shinnosuke just can't have a cool moment. Nevertheless, because they're always together already this kind of plot is the way to go plus they added a background story to their meeting which was sweet considering that it was over 10 years ago for them. I can't help but wonder what happened to Shinnosuke to make him change from slightly snotty kids to the obedient hetare he is. Also the other butler, what happened to him!! I guess he adopted Shinnosuke since he's Masaki but I couldn't help but be a little curious about what happened to him. Anyways Shinnosuke was fun especially because of Satsuki's involvement, if only it didn't have an annoying system which made slightly mad at first. Butler-Prince done, sadly all that's left is secret? character...the shota fiance.

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