Sunday, March 24, 2013

Glass Heart Princess - Karasuma Yukito

Karasuma Yukito, probably the most normal character you can get in this game, transferred from a average normal high school to the rich Tokiwa Gakuen so he doesn’t really get along with anyone else plus it doesn't help that everyone thinks he is a delinquent from always being late, sleeping in class, and leaving school early. But during her search for guys on a rainy day, Kyoko notices Yukito putting his coat over a poor abandoned puppy and falls in love, cliche haha!! With this Kyoko takes the opportunity to approach Yukito, at first saying that a teacher asked her because he wasn't getting along with his class, but afterwards Kyoko just straight up tells him that she wants to get to be friends with him, starting Yukito's route. 

So at first their dates are at average places like a fast food restaurant, the shopping mall, and the arcade, where Kyoko shows off her awesome shooting skills. But Yukito realizes that he should also try to understand what rich people, like his classmates, do so he asks Kyoko to bring him to the places she normally goes to too. So Kyoko brings him to places like a classical concert, and art museum. Though at the art museum, Yukito gets a little nervous because of the fuss and rumors of the ‘Phantom Thief Raven’ targeting the museum, haha. There is also a date where Kyoko wants to bring Yukito to her favorite place, and to get there faster they take her family plane. During the flight, the pilot gets sick so Shinnosuke takes over but Shinnosuke is a crazy driver so he starts looping around making Kyoko and Yukito freak out, who wouldn’t lmao! Satsuki saves the day by hijacking the plane and taking over but not without wondering which one is the triangle button and commenting how she’s more used to piloting with a game controller, rofl. For the school festival, Yukito is dressed up as a waitress for his class activity, so he panics when Kyoko sees him, but Kyoko comments on how it suited him and he looked good in it, haha.

The level up date occurs when they go to the observatory and are the lucky nth customer so they're asked to be models in their wedding ceremony promotion. Kyoko gets too excited just thinking about it and faints making Yukito very worried. When she wakes up, Kyoko explains everything about her illness and apologizes for deceiving him and using him as Yukito carries her back home on his back. Yukito admits he’s upset but not because of her but his own ignorance which could have killed her so he asks her not to keep anymore secrets and confesses that he couldn't hate her especially since she just confessed to him too, so they start officially dating, yay! So they start going on dates as a real couple to help Kyoko’s rehabilitation and for one of them Kyoko suggests that she visits Yukito's home, while his family is around, haha. As soon as they arrive, Yukito’s mom is already all over Kyoko saying how it’d be nice to have such a rich, nice, lovely, rich daughter-in-law, lol yup she says rich twice, and she continues to check in on them every now and then. Yukito’s little sister, Nana, also joins in because she goes to Tokiwa’s middle school and admires Kyoko. By the end of the date, Yukito complains how the whole thing was more nerve-wracking for him than Kyoko, haha. For Christmas, they decide to exchange presents but don’t know each others preferences so they walk around the mall to look around for what to get, but in the end they don't know what to get and end up getting each other the same thing, aww. For new years, Kyoko has a dream where Yukito is a hunter hunting target codename glass heart, Armen Noir parody which I didn’t really get since I didn’t play :P

Yukito’s story begins when Kyoko goes to a party in place of her father, and during the party she goes to the roof for a breather. There the Phantom Thief Raven drops down onto the roof and sweeps Kyoko along with him on his glider, while she can’t help but feel that he looks and sounds familiar. Upon landing, the Phantom Thief Raven compliments Kyoko’s dress and immediately escapes. Because Yukito has been late a lot recently, Kyoko decides to fetch him so they can walk to school together. Where a half asleep Yukito answers the door, Kyoko can't help but stare at Yukito sloppily dressed like the Phantom Thief Raven when he realizes it Yukito tries to make some excuse but Nana complains about him leaving the glider in backyard again, lol. They invite Kyoko inside and Nana tries to convince them that Yukito just likes to cosplay but Yukito doesn't want to be misunderstood as some crazy cosplayer so he spills the beans. Turns out their grandfather was a poor artist who at one point was made to create fakes of famous paintings. Their grandfather could not forgive himself for sinking so low as to make counterfeits and just as he was about to commit suicide their grandmother fell from the sky claiming to a phantom thief and so their grandfather asked her to steal all of his fakes back. Afterwards their grandmother continued doing so and Yukito’s father was the phantom thief after her until he threw out his back recently making Yukito take over. In their family 'business' there are 3 rules, first to never fail to steal their target, second to only steal their grandfather’s pieces, third to always send a notice before stealing a piece, and their costume must consist of a silk top hat and cape. After hearing all this Kyoko is so moved by Yukito's actions so she promises to keep quiet, in fact she wants to help Yukito in any way she can.

Yukito continues stealing, but on one date he notices a police officer tailing him which makes Kyoko worry. Kyoko really wants to help make things easier for Yukito but he clearly has no intention of asking for help, because he is absolutely against having Kyoko spend money buying the paintings. One morning Kyoko notices the catalog for a replica painting auction and she notices that one of the pieces is Yukito’s next target, from the museum, so she has a hunch that the one at the auction might be the real piece and with the help of Shinnosuke’s friend they confirm that it is the real thing. Intent on helping Yukito, Kyoko concocts a plan to switch the two paintings and challenge Yukito to make him stop the family business using the family rules against him. The next day Kyoko invites over Yukito and shows him the painting which upsets him since he didn’t want to rely on money to solve things but admits this it makes his job easier, so Yukito immediately pulls out a card and writes a notice for Kyoko. 

Later that night, Yukito upon arrival receives a call from Shinnosuke threatening to shoot him if he even lays a finger on his お嬢様 but Satsuki interrupts taking away Shinnosuke’s gun which makes him beg to let him fire at least one shot and the call is cut off, lol Shinnosuke. Yukito receives a call from Satsuki reassuring him that she’s dealt with Shinnosuke, by putting him in asphalt, so Yukito should go all out and settle things with Kyoko. Earlier Yukito planted certain things that would allow him to easily enter the mansion, so once the power goes out Yukito rushes in to find the painting in the entrance hall but after taking a better look at it Yukito realizes it’s not his grandfather’s painting. For this challenge, Yukito had already lost the moment he gave Kyoko the notice because by not stealing the painting he would have failed to steal his target but stealing it would go against not stealing anything but their grandfather’s works. As power goes back on, Yukito admits defeat and Kyoko reveals that she actually has the piece from the museum too as she was going to switch them. Yukito amazed admits that he should have asked for help but actually this was the last piece of his grandfather’s counterfeits so with this he can return to being a normal high school student. With everything settled, and the happily hugging the credits roll... until a gunshot shatters the credits. Somehow Shinnosuke was able to get out of the cement and as he declared, he aimed at Yukito for laying a finger on Kyoko. Of course, Kyoko gets really upset and Satsuki hits Shinnosuke really hard for ‘ruining the mood’ but more importantly Shinnosuke had shot the real painting and created a huge hole in the middle. Everyone starts freaking out, during which Shinnosuke gets a call about how the artist was going to visit the museum soon. Kyoko suggests that Yukito just go with his original plan to steal the piece from the museum but this time with their and a depressed Shinnosuke's help. To make up for it, Shinnosuke offers to be Yukito’s dog willing to do anything to make the heist successful this time, Yukito claims that he doesn’t have the right to do the job since he broke his family rules, but Kyoko easily claims that her case didn’t count, haha. So they move on the with the plan to steal the painting.

So the plan follows that Kyoko lends out Shinnosuke to assist in protecting the painting. The museum owners gladly accepts knowing how capable Shinnosuke is. While checking onthe painting smoke suddenly starts coming out of the painting, blinding everyone but once it clears up the painting is gone causing all the guards go search outside for the thief. Meanwhile Kyoko and Shinnosuke? stay, turns out Yukito disguised himself as Shinnosuke to set everything up and the painting is simply covered by a blank frame. However, the officer that was previously following Yukito pops out claiming that’s he’s caught Karasuma Yukito and that he’s disappointed that Kyoko would help with theft, but just in case Kyoko, hoped that she didn’t have to, also prepared a disguise and called herself Phantom Thief Glass Heart, lmao here she understands how embarrassing it is for Yukito to have to dress up. They run away to outside, where Yukito prepared a balloon as a getaway with the help of Shinnosuke who flies them away with in a helicopter. Now that everything is settled, Yukito asks Kyoko to help him burn his grandfather’s paintings and his costume, even though he’s a little upset to see his grandfather’s paintings go but it was his wish and Yukito feels it’s necessary to really put an end to everything. With this Yukito and Kyoko can be a normal couple, so they kiss. The ending is at graduation where Kyoko’s father who felt moved by Yukito actions and has come to like him, asks if Yukito wants to live at their house with Kyoko. Kyoko admits she doesn’t mind but Yukito says that he’d rather do the normal thing of pick her up in the morning since he didn’t get to before with the thief business and so they promise to always be together from now on.

Out of the bunch of unusual characters, I really liked Yukito the more normal one out of the bunch. I also felt his route was really well done, from having sweet dates where they both get embarrassed, and having silly ones and having romantic ones. No wonder he got first place in GHP's popularity poll. Also it was nice to see them become a couple in the middle to allow players to see them as a couple.  The plot executed nicely and I admit I really really enjoyed how they played a fake credit roll just to have Shinnosuke ruin things, lol. Kyoko was awesome in this route, making a plan to trick Yukito, and then going along with pretending to be Phantom Thief Glass Heart, and also in the normal ending when Yukito gets forced to continue his phantom thief activities in England, Kyoko gladly follows him ready to be his partner in crime since she’s already debuted as Glass Heart, haha. I think I might have liked Yukito’s route the most, everything about it was just fun plus Shinnosuke and Satsuki were plentifully involved :D Finished phantom thief, now the militaristic traitorous butler, lol that’s a mouthful.

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