Thursday, February 14, 2013

Kami Naru Kimi To: Review

Title: 神なる君と [Kami Naru Kimi To]

Simple Synopsis: Kamiki Sakuya, protagonist, is one day suddenly becomes a god as replacement for the one at her childhood friend's shrine. As a god, it is her duty to fulfill the wishes she can fulfill. With the help of the guys she meets, Sakuya fulfills various prayers, helps solve the issues of friends, while growing closer to one of the guys until the star festival, when she is relieved of her god powers.

To be honest I wasn’t expecting too much from this game even though the artist is Nagaoka, who did Clock Zero (one of my favorites), because there wasn’t any hype about it, the cv’s weren’t particularly any of my favorites, the characters weren’t particularly very attractive, and part of the characters were three animals which made me question it (−_−;) but it turns out I was sooo wrong. This game turned out to be so much fun, so moving, and just so great that I really really wished they had made a fandisk, or a drama cd, at least something!! (ノД`)・゜ One of the charms of this game was definitely the heroine, who was so funny with her silliness, stupidity, and attitude but also awesome because she didn’t just take things sitting down. Aside from her all the characters, Narumi, Yakumo, Yuzuru, Rei, and Mikoto were charming, even the three animals that I thought were so weird, and even down to the parents who didn’t even have sprites but were just so awesome with their treatment of Sakuya. Kami naru kimi to, BANZAI!!

Spoilers Ahead

Mizuniwa Rei, the shota character who easily joins in on the fun, is actually a ghost with no memories that haunts the old school building of Sakuya’s school. At first Sakuya doesn’t even notice that he’s a ghost because he’s so lively until Narumi points out he’s transparent. Well knowingly that Rei being a ghost means there’s bound to be some sort of farewell in this route, I still cried, knowing that it was coming I still cried. Rei is cute kind and jokes around about being a ghost at times, like how he comments on things being unscientific even though he’s a ghost. Rei gladly helps Sakuya figure out possible careers because he doesn’t have a future. Being interested in Rei, Sakuya wants to help Rei find out learn about how he was when alive by asking Aki to search the government database but Aki finds nothing in the deceased database. Narumi warns Sakuya to spend less time with Rei but she refuses. When Rei is running out of time Sakuya does everything possible to enjoy their time left. On the last day, Sakuya tells Rei not to be sad but in fact she doesn’t want to part at all. For a while Sakuya is depressed and simply goes to the old school building thinking about Rei there she notices writing in a notebook from Rei, who is actually still there. But Sakuya can’t see Rei so they communicate through the notebook and only for a while Rei could project his voice through a radio. When Narumi sees that Rei is still around, he tells Sakuya not to hold him back because if Rei will be stuck forever unable to reincarnate or anything if he continues to stay. Sakuya is reluctant to say goodbye but as Rei presence fades Sakuya finally decides to honestly confesses all her feelings while writing さよなら (goodbye) in the notebook then in a dream they kiss and Rei fades away. ゥゎ━。゚(゚´Д`*゚)゚。━ン!!! In the epilogue, 10 years later Sakuya is a teacher back at the school and while she’s taking care of Rei’s garden at the old school building a young man very similar to Rei says “I’m back.” God I really cried so much~ I expected everything and still cried. Rei was so sweet but I really wish there was more. I really wanted a little more even some short story full of text something anything. After all that crying I really wanted to just be like yay they’re happy with more than just a happy reunion, and honestly I really liked how Rei looks 10 years later. 


Takekiyo Yakumo, older brother figure and childhood friend of Sakuya and Narumi, is a muscle headed idiot super human. He is always looking out for his little sister and friends, is ready to take action when needed and is the main comic relief character of this game. For example, one of the ema requests is from an alien that wants to battle with the planet at stake and Yakumo takes the challenge and starts releasing a golden aura and his hair starts looking gold, haha. Another involves a request to help study and it's Yakumo who is actually has some of the top grades that helps the person study and rages at Sakuya for not studying too because Yakumo can forgive her for being an idiot but can't forgive her for not putting in any effort, haha. Yakumo really dotes on Sakuya that he can't bring himself to tell her that he's going away/suffering from a curse but Sakuya finds Yakumo's actions suspicious and figures things out. It was sad seeing Yakumo sleep because of the curse knowing how energetic he is and lonely because each time he'd sleep for longer and longer periods of time, one time Yakumo's father put a white cloth on Yakumo's face while he was sleeping which was shocking funny and sad. From days to weeks, Yakumo can no longer hide his fear of going to sleep and just not waking up anymore which was painful to see that Sakuya wants to support him and love him. Yuzuru helps Yakumo out of redemption and will cast a spell that makes Yakumo sleep for at least five years but then he'll be freed of the curse afterwards, Yakumo hesitates but with no other real choice he agrees to Yuzuru's plan. To treasure the little time they have left, Sakuya and Yakumo tour the school reminiscing, they hold a little graduation ceremony for Yakumo, they enjoy the star festival, and at last Yakumo about to fall sleep tells Sakuya to forget him especially if five years have passed but Sakuya says no I'll be here to say good morning to you and so Yakumo sadly says good night. After that it's Sakuya waiting for Yakumo to wake up which was just dismal since everyone's telling her to give up and when the fifth year comes and Yakumo doesn't wake up is just so heart-breaking. But when he finally does wake up after 10 years, it was like yes!! finally!! In the epilogue, it's so sweet because they're a family and Yakumo sulks how their child doesn't really smile when he holds him but he does this time. Yakumo was really silly but that just made him more lovable and the long wait was just dreadful thus making the ending so much better. Events were definitely more fun when Yakumo was around and I can't help but like his gap of being a muscle head idiot but also book smart at the same time, haha. 


Ninokami Yuzuru is the school council president, at the first encounter with him he has cat ears and a tail while casting some kind of spell, so he's not your average human in fact all the characters think he's a youkai at first. Yuzuru is like 80% tsun and 20% dere. He's the kind of the character that mocks everyone and looks down on everyone, I wouldn't have been too surprised if at some point he said ore-sama, haha. But under all that, Yuzuru is really a nice guy since he goes along with everyone despite complaining. Yuzuru’s story was really sweet and I was moved by Yuzuru’s actions. He saves Sakuya from vengeful ghosts at the cost of power he’s been collecting for hundreds of years. Sakuya was awesome when Yuzuru was erasing everyone’s memories of him by persisting to remember. Sakuya finds Yuzuru makes him reverse the memory forgetting. To make things up to Sakuya, Yuzuru helps with her studies, haha and it was funny seeing her parents happy to see their dumb, no good daughter having a study session, lol. Then it was hilarious how Yuzuru casts a transform into Yuuri, the penguin, spell if she stopped studying, lmao. Yuzuru is a god that was punished hundreds of years ago for reviving a human, but his actions caused the townspeople to call him a demon and lock him up because they thought he caused a horrible storm. This caused Yuzuru to hate humans but his punishment forces him to help humans for hundreds of years. Of course, after knowing this Sakuya feels guilty so she is determined to send all those vengeful ghosts to heaven and transfer the power to Yuzuru despite how dangerous it is. Sakuya succeeds but is infused with vengeful energy allowing her to live for maybe only another couple of years. Sakuya wants Yuzuru to go back to the heavens, but Yuzuru is the only one who can save her at the cost him becoming human. Yuzuru gladly chooses to save Sakuya because he admits he can’t live without her anymore, kyaa. In the epilogue, Yuzuru is graduating and chooses to be close to Sakuya, in fact they should live together since he already got her parents’ permissions, lol. Yuzuru’s story was really sweet and his change in attitude just made it so much sweeter but to be honest I was wondering at what point he fell in love with Sakuya since it felt kind of sudden to me, haha. 


Sakaki Narumi, childhood friend was bullied when little because he can see spiritual entities, is the aloof but kind and obviously cares/likes Sakuya slightly typical osananajimi characters. His family owns the shrine and he intends to take over so he helps performs rituals and such. Narumi is the most normal character out of the bunch but I really liked Narumi, probably my favorite. For a kuudere, Narumi had a bunch of silly sides, like stubbornly failing at making takoyaki and fangirling over his favorite 'Kira Rainbow' mangaka's signature, which I really liked. As Sakuya thinks about the future and parting, she realizes how much she doesn’t want to part with Narumi and that she likes Narumi. Sakuya's attempts at confessing was just awesome, First she tried to tell him after school, but each and every time Yakumo interrupts just as she’s about to say ‘suki’ lol. When she can finally confess through a letter, she writes become my 変人 (weirdo) instead of 恋人 (lover), lmao but Narumi's reply here was really bittersweet, saying how he loved her but couldn’t be with her and what should he do to not make her sad. It was clear from the beginning that Narumi wasn't too happy about Sakuya becoming a god and it’s because his family was cursed to not love non-humans. Through Mikoto, they realize it's Narumi who'll be cursed not Sakuya and it was adorable how Narumi immediately was like ‘oh okay let's date, I don't care what happens to me.’(≧∇≦)Narumi is just so happy when they start dating that he immediately tells everyone, and Yakumo literally tells everyone, haha. However the curse did take effect, Narumi was losing his five senses causing Sakuya to doubt their decision to be together after seeing how much Narumi is suffering, but to reverse the effects of the curse Sakuya would be giving up all their memories together and become complete strangers. Narumi doesn’t give up hope and believes that there’s a way to break the curse without separating but as time passes the curse grows worse. By the star festival, the time limit, I was just praying for the happy ending magic to just hurry up and fix everything, yet Sakuya decides to end the relationship. However, Narumi blind, deaf, mute, and senseless grabs Sakuya refusing to give up asking her to trust him, and kisses her to make her shut up and believe him, this scene was so wonderful I was just jumping for joy. In the epilogue, Narumi proposes it’s just so adorable, hehe. I really liked Narumi’s character, how he easily got embarrassed, how he’d get tired of being dragged around by his idiot childhood friends and his dere was just so cute. 


Amatsukunihoshi en no Mikoto, the playful, silly, capricious, NEET, who wants to go to the onsen, who makes Sakuya a god, shrine god is only playable after you finish everyone else and reveals the true back story and connects a bunch of the stories together. Honestly, I couldn't take Mikoto seriously but his route was still touching but mostly because of Sakuya in my opinion. Mikoto's route revolves around solving every side characters' issues with Sakuya noticing Mikoto's sad and serious expression when he's at sacred tree and thus becoming curious/interested in Mikoto. It felt like Mikoto gave in to fate too easily but it was somewhat understandable but still when Sakuya saves Mikoto and forfeits her opportunity to live it's so touching but so sad when she dies. Finally realizing how sad things are without Sakuya and with Yakumo telling Mikoto to shape does Mikoto figure a way to save everyone. Mikoto goes back in time deals with the negative energy differently thus preventing everything that had happened, like why didn't he just do this in the first place!! The prologue plays again but this time instead of becoming a god Sakuya meets her faithful person, Mikoto.

Final Comments: The game is almost all visual novel except a part where you choose which ema (wish tag) to grant but that's extremely simple. Basically it's prologue meet all the characters, help a certain side character, grant three wishes from emas/building affection with character, solve the side story then it's the guy's route. So the guy's story isn't until the end, but granting the ema wishes are fun because there are some really silly ones that you can enjoy with the characters. Like one, where Yakumo-niisan battles aliens with the planet at stake, or one where Yakumo-niisan helps someone study and ends up raging at Sakuya for being stupid, or one where Rei is almost sent to heaven because the person was curious, and the one where Narumi becomes excited and fangirls over his favorite mangaka who asks for help. 

I really liked this game!!! I was so sad when I was at the end!!! I really liked all the characters, but if I really had to choose I'd say my favorite was Narumi. The art was really pretty but some of the CGs felt similar so I kind of felt like there wasn't enough. Sakuya really was a fun protagonist, that I wish they'd make another game with someone like her. Please love this game!! so that through some miracle a FD is made.

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