Sunday, March 10, 2013

Wand of Fortune 2 FD Limited Edition Drama CD Translation

Wand of Fortune 2~FD Kimi ni Sasageru Epilogue Limited Edition Drama CD Translation
Title : ちいさなあの子とおままごと!お父さん奮闘記
(Little her and playing house and fathers struggle)
42:45 minutes

(Note : As a child, Lulu refers to herself in third person and I kept that because I believe Japanese children do do that besides it’s cute.)

Solo : It was one very nice day when Lulu became small and everyone was looking after her, but at some point for some reason Lulu’s mood worsened. Hmm, what could possibly be the matter? Everyone looks troubled but it seems like no one has a good solution. Children are cute but are hard to handle. Eh? What, even though I shouldn't meet with everyone yet am I here you ask? Like the fairy named Bell says don’t sweat small stuff.

Noel : Lulu, what’s wrong?
Lulu : Uuu~
Noel : Lulu.
Solo : Aah, it seems like things are getting difficult over there, I should go soon, hmm.
Solo : How can we fix Lulu’s mood?

Noel : Aah, Lulu please don’t be upset. Here, there’s a lot of treats.
Bilal : Lulu, there’s your favorite macaroon. Or would this strawberry parfait be better.
Lulu : Uuu~ Nnn~ I don’t want!
Noel : Then how about custard pudding, look at the bright golden caramel sauce doesn’t it look delicious.
Lulu : Uuu~ Don’t want!
Bilal : Haa~ This is troubling, we thought if it’s sweets it would fix her mood but
Noel : Hmm, how about other sweets. Oh, maybe candy, here it’s magic candy that’ll change colors with each lick.
Lulu : Uuu~ I said don’t want so I don’t want!
Est : Sigh Lulu how long are you going to be disagreeable. If there’s something you want to say then clearly say it. Just because you’re a child don’t think you’re allowed to do anything.
Lulu : Uuu, Est is scary.
Alvaro : Aah, this is why children are a pain and dislikable. Really I think everyone’s working hard.
Est : Alvaro too. Stop talking like it doesn’t concern you.
Lulu : Uuuuu, hic hic.
Bilal : Aah! Lulu don’t cry please. You’re a very good girl, I properly understand.
Noel : That’s right that’s right, no matter what Est and Alvaro say I’m on your side, so come over here Lulu I’ll carry you.
Lulu : Uuu, no!
Lulu runs away
Noel : Lulu!
Julius : Hmm oh, Lulu what’s wrong?
Lulu : Uuu.
Noel : Why! Instead of me of all people does she go to Julius!
Lagi : Sheesh, for a while now you guys have been giving her too much food and sweets. So Lulu didn’t want anymore.
Noel : No way! What I thought would be good for her instead backfired.
Lulu : Uuu, Julius.
Julius : Hehe, are you already full?
Lulu : Lulu is full.
Julius : I see, then let’s end snack time and let’s have nap time.
Solo : Ah, that sounds good. Today’s quite warm and sleeping outside seems nice.
Lulu : But Lulu isn’t sleepy~
Julius : Eh? You’re not sleepy? Hmm, then what should we do...
Bilal : Right what should we do... Oh, how does tag sound, it’s very fun.
Lulu : Tag? Hmm but...
Noel : Then how about hide-and-seek instead we’ll hide and you’ll seek, doesn’t that sound fun!
Lulu : I like that but... hmm.
Julius : Then I’ll read to you some picture books, look it’s your favorite books about magic.
Lulu : That’s also good but, but you see...
Lagi : Ah! You’ve been saying everything sounds nice, just say what you want.
Lulu : hic Lagi is mad, no... waah
Lagi : Hey, don’t cry. Dammit what should we do?
Julius : It’s okay Lulu just take your time.
Lulu : Ok.
Est : Sigh, it’s because you’re bombarding her with questions. Lulu what do you want to do the most right now?
Lulu : What Lulu wants to do?
Noel : That’s right! Say what you want that’s the best thing to do.
Lulu : Umm hmm the most. Oh, umm see Lulu wants to play house.
All: Huh? Play house?
Solo : What is that?
Julius : Oh now that I think about it Elise liked to also.
Noel : Playing house, is that right? Everyone playing is acting as a family being the father, mother, children, pet and such.
Lulu : Yup yup, I want to play house with everyone. Uhmm Lulu is the mother and the father is...hmm who should it be?
Bilal : Lulu the father is of course me right?
Lulu : Oh yup yup, Bilal is the father. And then, and then the child is Est.
Est : Why am I the child?
Lulu : Because Est is the smallest.
Est : Even though you’re much smaller.
Lulu : B, but Lulu is the mother.
Est : Anyways, I refuse to be the child.
Lulu : Hmm, then we’ll decide later. Next is uhm the pet. The pet is Lagi, okay.
Lagi : Huh!? Why am I the pet!?
Lulu : Because... because...
Alvaro : Hahaha, cause Lagi can transform into a chibi dragon. It isn’t entirely incorrect.
Lagi : It’s not like I want to transform!
Lulu : Uuu. Then is pet also no good?
Solo : Lulu then I’ll be the pet.
Lulu : Solo will?
Solo : Yes, I don’t really understand what the pet has to do but I just have to be some animal right?
Lulu : Yup, you see the pet goes woof woof and wears a collar and goes on walks.
Solo : Woof woof? I’ve never heard of such an animal.
Julius : She means a dog, because they go woof woof.
Alvaro : A collar on Solo, huh. That’s a strange sight.
Solo : If he’s fine with it then it’s fine, but more importantly in the first place for the father role to be Bilal is unfair.
Bilal : What do you mean unfair?
Noel : Without even discussing it, you taking the best role is unfair I believe. If we’re playing house, then I also want to be the father.
Julius : Oh, then I also want to the father, rather than being the pet or child.
Lagi : Honestly, the best role is the dad, right.
Bilal : Hmm, this is troubling. If everyone wants to be the father then the cast would be problematic.
Lulu : Everyone wants to be the father?
Alvaro : Yes that’s right, seems like everyone wants to be Lulu’s husband, what should we do?
Lulu : Lulu too, being everyone’s wife sounds nice.
Est : Is having such an abnormal pretend house really all right? In fact there no need for all of us to take part-
Bilal : Then let’s do this. We’ll each play the father and Lulu will decide who’s best.
Lulu : Eh, Lulu can pick the father. Ah, this sounds fun!
Julius : Haha, it seems like Lulu happy with it so I don’t mind.
Noel : Yes, I’ll show you I’ll definitely be the best father in the world.
Solo : Hmm, then I don’t have to wear a collar?
Alvaro : If you really want to, I can go get one.
Noel : Stop it! A father wearing a collar would one way or another be a bad influence on children.
Alvaro : Well that’s true.
Lulu : Then uhmm who should go first?
Bilal : That should be decided by Lulu. Who do you want to go first?
Est : Sigh, so we’re all forced to participate huh.
Alvaro : It’s not just anyone but Lulu’s wish so it’s best to give up Est-kun.
Lulu : Uhnn, who should go first~ Then...
Noel : Who would have thought that Lulu would pick Est to go first.
Lagi : He’s the smallest so she probably feels an affinity with him.
Alvaro : Hahaha, if Est-kun heard that he’d definitely be mad.
Julius : But can Est act out the father role? Even though he seems to not want to.
Solo : Est is very good at taking care of others so it’ll probably definitely be fine.
Bilal : Yes, he’ll definitely be a very strict father.

Est : I’ve returned home.
Lulu : Darling, welcome home!
Lulu glomps Est falls.
Lulu : Hehe, Est Est.
Est : It hurts.
Alvaro : Yup Est is fated to be pushed down by Lulu.
Bilal : To be hugged by his wife upon his return is a bliss.
Est : Just because you aren’t involved you can arbitrarily say so.
Lulu : Est Est which will you have a bath, dinner, or Lulu?
Est : Huh!? Where did you learn that!?
Lulu : From Lulu’s mother. When father returns home, mother always says that.
Est : I’m surprised they could say such embarrassing things in front of their child.
Lulu : Embarrassing? Did Lulu say something embarrassing?
Est : cough No, not you, your parents. Argh, anyways you shouldn’t say such things so easily cough understand?
Lulu : Est! Are you okay?
Est : It’s because you’re moving around that it’s difficult to breathe, please move already.
Lulu : Okaay.
Est : Gee, I understand you’re glad but please stop your habit of jumping at me, my body won’t last.
Lulu : Ok, I’m sorry.
Est : If you can keep your promise then, I play along again.
Lulu : Ok, I love you Est!
Est : Right after just saying so, again you! Aaah! falls cough
Lulu : Hehehe, Est Est! Est?
Est : You’ve already had enough right? Please hurry up and choose someone else.
Lulu : Okay then next is.
Bilal : Nhnn sparkle
Lulu : Then Bilal?
Bilal : Yes, as the princess demands. Hehe, I’m delighted.
Lulu : Yup Lulu also can’t wait!

Lagi : Hmm, Bilal huh. How should I say this, I’m really worried.
Julius : Really? Bilal can be reassuring and I feel he can also be like a father too. Besides Lulu’s happy funny.
Alvaro : No no, I think His Highness is a lion in wolf’s clothing and there’s no telling what he’ll do.
Noel : Don’t say something so unnerving! Bilal has common sense, he’ll definitely properly act out a good father.
Alvaro : But are you fine with that? If he does, he’ll take the role.
Noel : Ah! That’s right!
Est : I don’t care who it is, I wish the role would just be decided already. I’ve had enough of babysitting, I don’t want to get injured anymore than this.
Solo : Oh, it’s true, there’s a bump on the back of your head. It looks like it hurts.
Est : It does hurt, don’t touch it.

Lulu : Darling, will you be able to come home early today?
Bilal : Absolutely, if my adorable wife is waiting for me at home, no matter what happens I’ll come home immediately.
Lulu : Then I’ll make Bilal’s favorites and I’ll be waiting.
Bilal : That’s something to look forward to, because all of Lulu’s dishes are delicious. Even now, it feels like my stomach is growling.
Lulu : Hmm, if you’re hungry then you won’t have energy... Lulu will make something now so wait for me!
Bilal : Haha, it is okay. Just the thought is enough.
Lulu : But...
Bilal : When I come home and you’re cooking is there encourages me to work hard so it is okay. More importantly I want you to send me off with a smile.
Lulu : Ok, I get it. Bilal have a safe trip.
Bilal : Okay. Oh Lulu I’ve forgotten something important.
Lulu : Forgot something?
Bilal : Yes, my goodbye kiss.
Else : Huh!?
Lagi : Hey! Bilal! Do you intend to be a criminal!?
Bilal : Lagi, you’re overreacting. A kiss is a kiss but it’s a kiss on the cheek.
Alvaro : That’s right Lagi-kun, calm down. It’s with a child so isn’t it fine.
Lagi : It’s a problem BECAUSE it’s with a child!
Bilal : It is okay, it is okay. Right Lulu?
Lulu : Yup, Lulu’s father and mother also do goodbye kisses. But I can’t reach so I’d hope you’ll lean down.
Bilal : Okay. Is this good?
Lulu : Yup. chuu.
Lagi : Ah! Idiot! Stop!
Lulu : Lagi, what’s wrong?
Lagi : Uh, even if you ask why. Hey Bilal, were you seriously going to do it.
Bilal : Hehe, of course not. It was a joke. If I really did it, it would be a problem. Lulu, let’s do it when you’re older.
Lulu : Older? Ok, it’s a promise!
Lagi : Aah! I can’t let you handle this anymore! Hey Lulu I’m next okay.
Lulu : Ok Lagi best regards.

Est : For Lagi, there isn’t that concern like for Bilal but there’s another type of uneasiness.
Noel : Cause Lagi’s gauge for getting mad is really short. He might just make her cry.
Julius : He should just transform into a chibi-dragon, I’m sure Lulu would be pleased, but with little Lulu he doesn’t transform, too bad.
Bilal : It is okay, it is okay. As long as the two of them each then things will be chummy.
Solo : That’s right, because when the two of them are eating they look so happy.
Alvaro : Okay, well anyways let’s just watch and see.

Lagi : So what should we do?
Lulu : Umm, I want you to take off your clothes.
Lagi : Huh!? What are you saying so suddenly!?
Lulu : Uuu
Lagi : Uh, sorry did that surprise you, but that’s cause suddenly said something strange, so I just...
Lulu : It’s not strange! Because I prepared a bath, I just wanted Lagi to go and take one.
Lagi : Even so, it’s not like you really prepared a bath, so we can just pretend.
Lulu : Uuu~
Lagi : Ah... sheesh so troublesome. I got it, I got it so it’s fine like this right.
Lulu : No, it’s no good if you don’t take off the bottom too.
Lagi : Bottom!? Surely that would make things shaky.
Lulu : Hm? Lagi doesn’t take off his clothes for a bath?
Lagi : I do but...
Lulu : Then take them off ♡
Lagi : Uh ah... guys!
Alvaro : Wow, Lagi-kun’s looking over here looking for help.
Bilal : Lagi, try your best.
Lagi : It’s not try your best, do something about this situation! Don’t look away!
Lulu : Lagi you not taking them off? Then Lulu do it for you~
Lagi : Hey idiot! Stop it!
Lulu : Nnn, don’t pull your clothes.
Lagi : Ah! hey! stop it! hey stop!
Solo : If Lulu wants you to take off your clothes then shouldn’t you just take them off.
Lagi : Don’t say something so irresponsible!
Lulu : Father and mother are spouses, so it’s okay.
Lagi : How is it fine!? It’s not okay! If it’s like this somebody do something.
Alvaro : Haha then I’ll help you out.
Lagi : Ah, Alvaro.
Alvaro : It’s fine, it’s fine. Lulu-chan I can’t wait anymore leave Lagi alone and play with me.
Lulu : But Lagi didn’t enter the bath yet.
Lagi : Hahaha... Next I’ll play along okay.
Lulu : Nnnn.
Lagi : Even if you make such an unsatisfied face, next time I’ll do it absolutely so please let me off the hook this time.
Lulu : Nnn. Ok I got it. Then Alvaro is the father.
Alvaro : Best regards Lulu-chan.

Solo : Why the long faces everyone? Does Alvaro playing with Lulu make you uneasy?
Julius : Yea, as I thought I’m worried.
Lagi : In the first place, can he babysit?
Noel : It’s not too late, before Alvaro can teach her anything unacceptable.
Bilal : Noel, wait a moment, Alvaro seems to be bad with kids he’ll definitely end it soon.
Est : That’s right, although the uneasiness doesn’t disappear, for now let’s just watch and see.

Lulu : umm...uunn...what should we do next...hmm
Alvaro : Hey Lulu-chan, can we make it a setting where I’ve been transferred and not around?
Lulu : Hm? Transferred? Hm?
Alvaro : Yup, it’ll be the father goes somewhere far away and isn’t around with you.
Lulu : Hm..? Why did he go far away?
Alvaro : So you can eat delicious meals. Even your father has his job right? It’s the same as that.
Lulu : Really?
Alvaro : Yup, so I don’t need ‘welcome home’s or ‘have a nice trip’s.
Lulu : Then what should Lulu do?
Alvaro : It’s fine if you don’t do anything. You just have to wait for him to come home.
Lulu : But~ but!
Est : Alvaro just because you find it bothersome you’re arbitrarily brushing things off.
Alvaro : That was an unexpected comment, I’m properly playing with her aren’t I, right Lulu-chan?
Lulu : Yes...but I’m stumped that I don’t have to do anything.
Julius : Then how about you write a letter? A letter full of love to father who’s doing his best working.
Lulu : A letter! Lulu will write a letter!
Bilal : Of course, Alvaro will write a reply right?
Alvaro : *monotone* Sure sure, because it is a letter from my lovely wife ahh it will make me so happy that tears might just well up...
Lulu : Ok ok, I’ll write it right now so just wait, okay? Hnn♪ Hnn♪ Hnn♪ pen writing I’m done~! Here Alvaro!
Alvaro : Hehe, thank you Lulu-chan. For the reply...I’ll eventually write it so just wait for it with patience, so then who’s next?
Noel : Well then next I’ll-
Solo : Is it alright that I go next? I also want to play with little Lulu.
Julius : Sure, I don’t mind going later, so I’ll let Solo go first, Lulu are you okay with that?
Lulu : Yup best regards Solo.
Noel : If Lulu says so, then it can’t be helped.

Bilal : Solo is a little strange but is not someone who would be cruel to children, so I feel there is nothing to worry about.
Est : In my opinion, there isn’t much of a difference between Solo and Lulu.
Alvaro : Hehe, as expected of Est-kun, you’ll say such mean things. Well, I agree though.
Lagi : Solo huh? How do I say it, I’m worried in a different way from Alvaro’s turn.
Noel : Well, he won’t make her cry but there’s no telling what Solo will do so we need to be take caution.
Julius : Lulu looks happy so I feel it should be fine.
Solo : Even small, Lulu is very cute, that I could just eat you.
Lulu : Solo’s going to eat Lulu?
Solo : No, I won’t.
Lulu : But you said you could eat me.
Solo : I did.
Lulu : But you won’t eat me?
Solo : Nope.
Lulu : Huh?
Noel : Wait a minute! Solo even we don’t understand you so there’s no way a young child would understand you if you say something like that. Look Lulu has gone quiet with confusion.
Solo : I see, sorry Lulu.
Lagi : In the first place, why would say something dangerous like wanting to eat?
Solo : Because I’ve heard somewhere that it’s something you would say to girls you find cute.
Julius : Hmm, I have heard that too but it’s probably something you wouldn’t say to a child.
Alvaro : Well, if you really say that to a little girl you’d be pretty dangerous person.
Bilal : It is okay, it is okay. If he properly explains why he said that then Lulu would understand.
Solo : Really? Umm. You see Lulu, I find you precious so I said I would want to eat you.
Lulu : Precious? Lulu also thinks Solo is precious but I don’t understand the feeling of wanting to eat.
Solo : I see, then I used the wrong words to convey my feelings.
Lulu : Yup, wrong. To someone precious you should say I love you. Lulu’s father and mother also often say I love you.
Solo : Oh really, you’re so knowledgeable Lulu.
Lulu : Hehehe, Solo next time don’t make a mistake.
Solo : Okay thank you Lulu. I’m always learning from you.
Lulu : Okay if there’s another thing you don’t know then Lulu will teach you so don’t worry.
Noel : What should I say, I can’t tell who’s the child and who’s the adult.
Est : If you’re asking who lacks common sense, then the answer is definitely Solo.
Julius : Hahaha, well then it seems like Solo’s turn is over so next is-
Noel : Finally it’s my-
Julius : It’s my turn right.
Noel : Hey wait Julius, I’m next!
Lulu : Yay! Julius best regards.
Julius : Okay, here too. Best regards Lulu.
Noel : Like I’m trying to say next should be me- Ahem. Well it’s fine. At the very end I’ll show you all and Lulu will think I’m the best father!

Noel : Since it looked like he was used to taking care of children I don’t think there’s any problems but it’s slightly frustrating.
Alvaro : Now now Noel-kun, you’re last so you can redeem yourself there.
Est : Oh right Noel’s turn is still left. I completely thought with this it’d be over.
Lagi : Better yet, I feel that would be better.
Bilal : Then instead of Noel, I’ll go next.
Solo : I thought Bilal’s turn was already over, you'll play with Lulu again... If so then I also want to play again.
Noel : Ahh! All of you have been saying things as you please, next is me I definitely won’t yield.

Lulu : Ummm, hmm, nnn.
Julius : It’s okay to without rushing and slowly think about it.
Lulu : Ok hmm.
Julius : That’s right hey Lulu, your father and mother what do they do normally?
Lulu : Lulu’s father and mother? Um, father is always carrying mother.
Julius : Carrying? I haven’t really seen married couples do that, well whatever, then I’ll carry you.
Lulu : Really? Yay!
Julius : Hahaha, like this I feel you really are small plus fluffy, you’re cute.
Lulu : When you rub my head it feels good but, Julius right now we’re husband and wife.
Julius : Ah, oh right. Sorry sorry. Then what should I do after this?
Lulu : Umm and then mother would put her arms around father’s neck and kiss on the lips, like this-
Julius : W,wait a minute! That would absolutely be bad, and create a lot of problems so let’s do something different.
Lulu : Problems? Lulu’s father and mother there’s some problem?
Julius : Umm, for a married couple I guess it wouldn’t be a problem but only for married couples.
Lulu : Julius and Lulu are also a married couple. So it’s not a problem.
Julius : Even if you say that, although that’s true but it’s only pretend and that’s not how it is in real life so let’s do something else, yes let’s! Isn’t there anything else?
Lulu : Eh? Ummm, hmm, oh, whenever at meals mother would always sit on father’s lap and then go ‘aah’ and feed him.
Julius : Ahaha, that’s not impossible but Lulu’s parents are pretty close huh.
Lulu : Yup yup very close. So Lulu also wants to feed Julius. Ok? Aah.
Noel : Okay, it’s over.
Lulu : Huh?
Noel : Too bad but time’s over. Julius isn’t it about time you switch with me.
Julius : Eh? I don’t mind but is Lulu okay with it?
Lulu : Huh? Hmm.
Julius : Lulu next time I’ll definitely play with you again so let Noel go next.
Lulu : Ok. I understand. Julius see you.
Noel : Julius don’t think you’ve won, I’ll definitely show you!!

Alvaro : It seems like Noel-kun is all fired up but I can’t wait to how it turns out.
Julius : Yeah but earlier he was intensely glaring at me. Did I do something to Noel? I absolutely don’t recall.
Est : Noel just rivaled you on his own, it’s pointless to worry about it.
Bilal : He probably just feels that he definitely has to be friendly with Lulu after seeing Julius be friendly with Lulu.
Solo : That’s right I also want to be friendly with Lulu.
Bilal : Of course, I too.
Lagi : You need to be more conserved!

Noel : Lulu, what’s for dinner tonight?
Lulu : Noel’s favorite meatballs!
Noel : O,oh really. But I don’t really like it that much-no I mean to make my favorite! Lulu is such a good girl-ahem I mean good wife.
Lulu : Hehehe. Here darling, open up.
Noel : Hehe, Lulu may I ask what is this?
Lulu : Meatball that Lulu made.
Noel : But this looks like mud balls.
Lulu : Yup, it’s meatballs.
Bilal : Noel to eat Lulu’s handmade cooking, you’re so lucky.
Noel : No wait but to eat this it would take quite a lot of courage.
Bilal : It is okay it is okay. You won’t die if you eat it just almost.
Noel : No no no, that’s bad enough.
Lulu : What are you two talking about?
Bilal : Hahaha, Noel was bragging about how happy he was to be able to eat Lulu’s handmade cooking.
Noel : Wha!?
Lulu : Really? Hehe, Noel there’s a lot so help yourself.
Noel : Okay. There’s no reason to hesitate. If this makes Lulu happy then it’s a small price to pay. gulp Bon appetite.
Lagi : He really ate it.
Solo : Amazing. Mud is edible, huh? I didn’t know.
Julius : No, I don’t think so, at least it’s impossible for me.
Alvaro : Hahaha, as expected of Noel-kun, I’m impressed.
Est : I am not, honestly I’m disappointed in him.
Lulu : Hey hey Noel was it good?
Noel : Yeah it was very delicious.
Lulu : Then have more, here.
Noel : No I’m already-
Lulu : So it wasn’t good...
Noel : Of course that’s not it, here I’ll have one more haha.
Lulu : Yay! Eat lots and lots okay.
Noel : Ha haha ha haha......

Noel : Haaa...
Julius : Umm, Noel are you okay?
Noel : Yeah but I don’t want to see meatballs for a while.
Bilal : But it ended without any problems so thank goodness.
Lagi : No matter how you look at it, the one who made it so he had to eat it was you!
Bilal : There is no such thing. Well then, Lulu with this all of us have taken turns.
Lulu : Yup it was really fun!
Bilal : Then who is best fit to play the father?
Lulu : Hm?
Solo : That’s right Lulu is suppose to pick out of us who would be her husband.
Alvaro : Well, even if we’re picked it’s not like we’ll get a prize or anything out of it.
Noel : Who cares about a prize! Just being picked by Lulu, for me as long as I have that.
Lulu : Hmmm... hmmm...
Julius : Lulu you don’t have to be that concerned about it.
Lulu : Hmmm... Julius, what should Lulu do?
Julius : Hm?
Lulu : Lulu had a lot a lot of fun playing with everyone, I really really did.
Lagi : We get it, so what are you trying to say?
Lulu : Umm so I can’t pick anyone.
Noel : No, no way, after all my effort.
Lulu : Because, because I love everyone.
Est : sigh I thought this would happen.
Solo : I think it’s also good like this.
Lulu : Eh?
Solo : Lulu had fun, just that made me glad.
Lagi : Isn’t it fine, it’s just like you to.
Alvaro : Because Lulu-chan is greedy.
Lulu : Nnn, Lulu isn’t greedy.
Julius : But it’s good that you had fun. Right, Noel.
Noel : Eh uh, that’s right as long as Lulu smiles that’s fine.
Bilal : That’s right, then everyone is Lulu’s husband.
Lulu : Yup you see... you see... everyone...zzzz
Julius : Ah! Lulu are you okay?
Lulu : ZzZzzzzz.
Julius : She’s asleep!? But just before she was full of energy.
Solo : The magic on Lulu is starting to fade.
Est : So will she be fine?
Solo : Yes, she’s just sleeping. Next time we meet she’ll definitely be back to her original form.
Noel : Oh I see, that’s a relief.
Alvaro : Well, we’re finally relieved of babysitting.
Bilal : No not yet, we have to bring Lulu back to Ami’s.
Est : Then I’ll excuse myself here.
Noel : Wait where are you going, Est? We have to properly see this to end.
Lagi : Even if you say that, we don’t need this many people just to bring her back to Ami’s.
Julius : But Lulu would definitely want Est and Lagi and everyone together.
Est : I leave immediately when Ami takes her back.
Bilal : Sure, then let’s go.
Lulu : ZzZz, everyone everyone...I love everyone.

Comments: Wow that was long!! It also took me quite a while to write. Please excuse any weird phrasing or grammatical errors because really some things can’t be directly translated from Japanese and some phrases don’t exist in English. Even so, I had fun. The first time I heard this I was so excited because I remembered how much I liked the drama cd where Lulu became little. Also it’s so cute how everyone just adores and treats little Lulu. But most of all, Lulu is SO cute, she’s adorable! I mean appearance-wise she’s cute but her personality is also so cute. Like how despite the facts that she’s little she still treats Est like that. And especially where she tells Lagi to undress, lol!! I also have the other drama cd about the fairy but since this one already took a lot out of me, I’ll have to really consider if I want to translate another drama cd.

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